
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZZZK Experiment name: IDCRP's HIV Natural History Study MIFlowCyt score: 77.50%
Primary researcher: Nima Aghaeepour PI/manager: Mario Roederer Uploaded by: Nima Aghaeepour
Experiment dates: 2007-07-26 - 2007-07-31 Dataset uploaded: Jan 2012 Last updated: Oct 2013
Keywords: [HIV] [Bioinformatics] [AIDS Free Survival] Manuscripts: [20001854] [18667932] [22383736] [23044634] [24407226] [PMC2939466] [PMC3315712] [PMC3726344] Jidlogo Jaidslogo Bioinformaticslogo
Organizations: Vaccine Research Center, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, , MD, (USA)
Purpose: PFC analysis of 466 subjects enrolled in Infectious Disease Clinical Research Program's Natural History Study
Conclusion: Several immunophenotypes correlated with the survival times were identified.
Comments: For reagent and instrument details as well as the original manual gating strategy please see: Ganesan and Chattopadhyay et al., Immunologic and virologic events in early HIV infection predict subsequent rate of progression. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2010:201:272–284. Survival times are attached in a separate spreadsheet.
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: Per-channel empirical distribution comparison
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